Most people get the perception that applying for scholarships is a stressful process. You have to make sure you fill out your application correctly. You have to ensure that you turn in your scholarship application on time and you have the constant stress of waiting to see if you won or not. What we just described is the farthest thing from fun. However, what if we told you that there are a lot of fun scholarships out there you just haven’t heard of them before. This page is dedicated to those of you who want to have a stress free scholarship application process. In fact, it is for those of you who want to have some actual fun with scholarships.
Fun And Easy Scholarships
We will be the first to admit that finding a scholarship that is both fun and easy is usually not a simple thing to do. However, since we are an authority when it comes to scholarships we have access to materials that you don’t so we can find fun scholarships much more easily than you can. Take for example the free scholarships. Scholarship Zone and Scholarships For Working Adults are both free scholarships that are super easy to apply for. Oh, and did we mention they are quite fun to apply for as well. All you have to do to is fill out a one page form asking for any basic information that a scholarship application will. It only took the members of our staff a total of 2 minutes to complete the application and they had a lot of fun in the process. Plus the free scholarships we listed above each pay out $10,000.
Fun College Scholarships
For many, a fun scholarship ties to their interests. For example, a photography major may have fun putting together a photography portfolio for a scholarships. Meanwhile, the design student may have fun designing for a scholarship. So you see, the definition of fun can mean a lot of different things. So, in an effort to please everyone we decided we would put together a list of the funnest scholarships below:
- Design Scholarships– If you have a flair for design or fashion then chances are you should be checking this scholarship out. You can have the chance to win over $45,000 in college tuition money to an art institute.
- Fitness Scholarships– How often do you see a scholarship given out for your passion of fitness. Well, in this case that is exactly what this is.
- Prom Scholarship– This is probably the ultimate fun scholarship. Make a prom dress out of nothing but duck tape and win a scholarship.