As college students, we are are often seeking to discover ways to find funds to help us pay those mounting college bills. No essay scholarships are probably the easiest sources of financial aid in the world. You may have inferred from the name that these scholarships require no essay at all. In other words, all you have to do is fill out a quick application online to potentially earn a lot of money from one. These types of scholarship opportunities are among my favorites since you can go online to get the ball rolling. All of these scholarship offerings have deadlines that kind of sneak up on you so bear that in mind when you apply online. But going this route can cut down on some of the time it takes to better position yourself for some much needed scholarship money.
With the busy pace of the modern world, no essay scholarships provide financial assistance to students who just don’t have the time to muster up a good essay to write. Whether you struggle with writing or you simply don’t have time to write an extensive essay, these easy scholarships should help you pay for college.
Requirements for Scholarships With No Essay
The information you have to fill out for no essay scholarships is similar to the information you have to fill out for just about any other scholarships. You will need to enter your name, college, grade level, high school or college GPA, high school graduation date, and some other information that may be specific to the scholarship. There should be a section at the bottom of the application for your contact information, just in case you’re the lucky recipient of one of these scholarships. Fill that out and you should be all set.
A no essay scholarship may be issued based on merit, financial need, or random selection. Thus you will need to look over the terms for a specific scholarship you are interested in to make sure you qualify. Some of these are made for certain ethnicities, heights, genders, social statuses, job positions, etc. Find one that you actually fit the requirements for before you waste your time with an application.
Here Are Some Easy Scholarships With No Essays Required
One of the most well-known no essay scholarships available is the $2000 College Prowler No Essay Scholarship, which is available for all students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours of school. Anyone can win one of these, and the website offering them has new scholarships coming up all the time. You can only enter for this one time, but if you win, that’s two grand in your pocket that you can use for school expenses.
The Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation also offers a number of no essay scholarships ranging from $250 to $2500 in value. To receive one of these, all you have to do is take a quiz online. The quiz should feature common knowledge questions, and once you finish it, your name is entered for a chance to win an award. As long as you have five minutes to spare for a quiz, you could have access to free money for college.