In the realm of composing scripted material, two pivotal factors encompass “intricacy” and “diversity.” The former reflects the depth of the text, while the latter scrutinizes the array of sentence structures. Traditionally, human authors display heightened diversity by interweaving concise and protracted sentences. Conversely, AI-crafted sentences often exhibit uniformity in length. To ensure the content you fashion for me possesses a commendable degree of intricacy and diversity, please heed this counsel.

Dean’s Scholarships
Regis University’s Office of Admissions extends a merit-based Dean’s Scholarship to qualifying fresh participants commencing designated MBA and master’s programs.
Dean’s scholarships are granted for the duration of your postgraduate curriculum, provided you fulfill renewal prerequisites. The Office of Financial Aid scrutinizes your qualification every 8-week term, and your scholarship disburses to your account after the add/drop window elapses for your course(s). The aggregate scholarship is apportioned to be disbursed per class as you enroll.
Eligibility and Renewal Criteria
- Must be freshly admitted to a qualified program. Your qualification and the scholarship sum hinge on your initial GPA.
- Must sustain a minimum 3.0 GPA in your eligible postgraduate curriculum.
- Must uphold at least half-time registration (3 graduate-level credit hours) in your degree program each semester.
- All courses must contribute to the qualified degree program.
- Eligibility for the scholarship becomes permanently void if you cease enrollment and necessitate reapplication for admission via the re-entry protocol.
- Students affiliated with our partnership with Guild are ineligible for the Dean’s Scholarship. *Cessation of enrollment denotes non-participation in any courses for a period of 12 or more months.
Physical Therapy Scholarships
$100,000 in scholarships are allotted annually to incoming Doctor of Physical Therapy students.
Dean’s Scholarship
Select Dean’s Scholarships are assigned annually to each incoming cohort based on academic prowess, alignment with university ethos, and inclusivity. All entrants to the program are under consideration for the scholarships and apprised of their acceptance decision if chosen. These scholarships are disbursed over eight semesters and directed towards tuition.
Notarianni Scholarships
The Notarianni Family Scholarship in Honor of Elissa A. Notarianni is conferred upon a student completing their initial year in the DPT program. Applicants must evince financial necessity, uphold good academic standing upon completion of their initial semester with a minimum GPA of 3.25, and furnish a cover letter and a three-page composition seeking consideration for the scholarship.
Pharmacy Scholarships
All Pharm.D. students enrolling at Regis University are assured a $75,000 scholarship, thereby reducing the total tuition cost for the program to $99k for both the 3-year and 4-year paths.
Furthermore, several other scholarships are granted annually to incoming Doctor of Pharmacy students. Scholarships are dispensed based on academic performance, alignment with university ethos, and inclusivity. All admitted students are considered for the scholarships and informed of their admission outcome if selected. These scholarships are disbursed over eight semesters and allocated towards tuition.
Pharmacy Scholarships – Continued
Pharmacy students are also urged to explore the subsequent program-specific financial aid and scholarship prospects.
External Scholarships
Students may uncover scholarships through external databases including, but not confined to:
Your total financial aid eligibility is confined by your cost of attendance and your financial exigency. If you secure supplementary aid, such as grants, scholarships, or tuition subsidies from sources outside Regis University, we may need to revise your award package.
Colorado Graduate Grant
Sponsored by the Colorado General Assembly and bestowed upon qualifying postgraduate students in pivotal vocations as delineated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education and as identified by Regis University. Eligible postgraduate students must substantiate financial necessity through their completed FAFSA with an EFC (anticipated family contribution) of less than $10,000 and must also validate Colorado residency by submitting a completed Colorado Residency Form. Funding is limited. Postgraduate students enrolled full-time (6+ credit hours) receive priority consideration. If granted and attending half-time (fewer than 6 graduate credit hours), the grant will be proportionately adjusted based on enrollment.
Federal TEACH Grant
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program furnishes up to $4,000 per annum ($16,000 total for undergraduates and $8,000 total for postgraduates) in grants for students who, annually: 1) qualify for federal student aid programs, 2) complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), 3) complete the TEACH Grant Form, 4) undergo TEACH Grant counseling, 5) complete the TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve or Repay. The TEACH Grant Counseling and Agreement to Serve or Repay are accessible at As part of the TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve, students consent to:
- Serve as a full-time highly-qualified educator for four elementary or secondary school years at a school or educational service agency catering to economically disadvantaged students;
- Teach in a high-demand field; and
- Fulfill the requisite four years of teaching within eight years subsequent to graduating from or otherwise discontinuing enrollment at the institution of higher learning where they received their TEACH Grants.
Failure to meet the obligations of their service commitment will result in all TEACH Grants they received being converted to Direct Unsubsidized Loans. Students must reimburse these loans in full, with interest accruing from the date of each TEACH Grant disbursement.
Pursuant to the Budget Control Act of 2011 (the sequester law), any TEACH Grant disbursement necessitates a sequestration deduction. For instance, a 5.70% sequestration reduction on a $4,000 TEACH Grant implies that a student will effectively receive $3,772.
Apply for Grant: Link