For someone who was home-schooled their entire life, the college application process can be confusing, and the scholarship application process can be downright frightening. Luckily, we are experts at finding opportunities for our visitors to take advantage of and we can help you do just that. Since you were home schooled you weren’t briefed on how the scholarship application process works like the public school kids were. We are here to assure you that its not overly complicated to understand and we will walk you through it step by step and give you a few of our favorite scholarships for home schooled students to apply for.

Financial Aid Is Important
It is everywhere. We would be shocked if you hadn’t heard about FAFSA. That is how popular they have become. Basically, FAFSA looks at your financial situation and awards you funds based on how much money you need. Now, it’s not always that black and white but that is basically how it works. Don’t expect FAFSA to cover all your college expenses. We had told the story multiple times on this site, the visitor that came to us and said that FAFSA paid for all his tuition and books when he was in Community College but when he transferred to an University things completely changed, and he started looking for scholarship opportunities.
College Scholarships For Homeschoolers
Before you do anything, we recommend you pick up this book, Homeschoolers’ College Admissions Handbook, by Cafi Cohen. You will build a foundation that will improve your chances of winning that college money you want. Most of the problems that home-schooled kids have is that they don’t know much about getting college scholarships. Well, you should be building up your application from an early age. The goal is to make yourself the most attractive candidate for colleges or foundations to give scholarship money. You can do this by volunteering, doing community service, having good grades and having a killer application.
Below you will find the most popular scholarships for students who were home schooled to apply for.
- Your Chosen College- Specific colleges offer homeschoolers many scholarships and grants. Since we have yet to determine which college you are interested in our advice is to consult with your college counselor to see if you are eligible for any scholarship.
- is definitely the best site for searching for specific scholarships. View this site as a scholarship search engine.