Scholarships for women over 40 who wish to either return to school or perhaps attend for the first time are available nationwide. For many women in this age bracket, college was not considered as important to finding a career when they graduated high school. Many women married and went on to raise families or went to college for one or two years before doing so. With the fiercely competitive job market scholarships for women over 40 makes it possible for them to return to college and be trained for a job where they are able to make a living for themselves.
Free College Scholarships For Women Over 40
What better way to start with your scholarship hunt than applying for the simplest of scholarships of which can pay up to $10,000. One thing that is important to every student is time. So if you can find something that is free from hassle and does not take much time, then you want to take a much closer look. Here are opportunties you might find appealing.
- Scholarship Zone
- Scholarships for Moms
Scholarships for older women help to address the same concerns anyone has with returning to college. The cost of housing and food as well as the possibility of still raising a family may still exist and the ability to afford college tuitions and books may seem to be an insurmountable task. Grants and scholarships for women over 40 make it possible to overcome these obstacles so they may return to college and further their education.
Easy scholarships for women often do not have an age limit so applying for some of the same ones such as the Pell Grant as well as other FAFSA grants should be one of the first steps a woman takes when returning to school. Some college scholarships for older women are also targeted at students who are returning to complete a degree with special money available in various fields of study for students who have already earned an undergraduate. College financial aid offices should be able to help find scholarships for women over 40 who are returning to school or beginning for the first time. They have access to federal, state and local databases which will include thousands of dollars in many options. Some specific scholarships for older women to help them return to college are listed below.
• The ASIST Scholarship which stands for Adult Students in Scholastic Transition is available in both local Chapter and at the Corporate level at varying amounts.
• The Bernard Osher Foundation provides scholarships for women over 40 who for various reasons have had an interruption in their college education but who will still have many years of employment ahead of them. Academics as well as financial need are two of the additional qualifiers for receiving these scholarships.
• The American Legion Non Traditional Scholarship has been designed specifically for older students who are returning to college to finish a degree or are just beginning a new chapter in their lives.
• ANTSHE ON THE WEB is an international organization which promotes adult education and advocacy for non traditional older students returning to school. They help students to find scholarships for older women.
• Individual communities and organizations may provide scholarships for women over 40 similar to The Community Foundation of Sarasota. Some of the local area foundations provide full out scholarships as well as low or no interest rate loans for students returning to college, particularly for nursing and teachers who plan to return or stay in the area.
These are but a few of the options and monies which are available. The financial office at the college you plan to attend and the FAFSA are two excellent choices for finding financial aid to help cover the costs of education including scholarships for women over 40.