If you are like the normal college student then you are probably searching for any type of unclaimed scholarship that you can get your hands on. Luckily, there are quite a few unclaimed scholarships out there to choose from but the real test is knowing exactly which unclaimed scholarships you should apply for. The last thing you want is to apply for a scholarship only to find out that it was some kind of scam (and yes, this has happened to people before). So, we will be laying out a plan for you to obtain an unclaimed scholarship that you can use to cut your college tuition down.
Unclaimed College Scholarships
One of the best kept secrets in the scholarship industry is that each year thousands of scholarships go unclaimed simply because no one applied for them or the applicants were suitable. Our job is to locate those scholarships for you and display them in a manner that is easy to understand so you can make an intelligent decision on whether or not you want to apply for them. Typically, the most common unclaimed scholarships are the ones that no one hears about. Think about it, these types of scholarships are rarely applied for because they are lagging a bit behind on word of mouth. Another type of very popular unclaimed scholarship is weird scholarships. A lot of people write them off because they are weird sounding or they require you to do something out of the ordinary to obtain them.
However, while a lot of people may scoff at the idea of applying for these types of scholarships we encourage people to seize the opportunity because there is a lot less competition for unclaimed scholarships. Think of getting scholarships as a popularity contest and the scholarship that is the “most popular” will have the masses flocking. Meanwhile, the unclaimed scholarships only have a slow drizzle of competitors for you to deal with. We have taken this page to list a few unclaimed scholarships that we think you should apply for:
List Of Unclaimed Scholarships
- Scholarship Zone- This is a free scholarship that nets you $10,000 if you win. Definitely worth applying for.
- Tylenol Scholarship Fund– For medical students. This year Tylenol is giving out $250,000 in scholarships so you don’t want to miss an opportunity to claim some of that money.
- Doodle For Google Scholarship– Worth checking out. You can create a homepage logo for Google and win a scholarship in the process.