Weird scholarships which are available to help cover the cost of college tuition, living expenses and text books have been designed by individuals and corporations to address criteria they choose. These specialized awards are well worth looking into for anyone planning to attend college and may be found both online and through financial aid offices. Weird scholarships are offered in many forms and dollar amounts and some of the best are those that pay winning students up to $10,000 and where you need not complete those long and time consuming essays. Be sure to take a good look around our website as we try to bring you to you each day these scholarships and many other education award opportunities. We are also happy to introduce you to many of the scholarships that border on the strange and unsual. Sometimes the most fertile scholarship grounds are those that have been lightly tread.
Free Weird Scholarships – No Essay
Some of the most exciting opportunities out there are those scholarships that do not require an essay. Pursuing these types of scholarship offerings should be high on your list. So as you survey the scholarship offerings around our website, be sure to prioritize those that have certain hallmarks. The markers you should be looking for are scholarships you can complete online, scholarships that do not require you complete an essay, and scholarships that are offered within your region. Don’t get too hung up on whether you are the ideal candidate for the scholarship. As we discussed on our home page, the magic of winning scholarships resides in the numbers. You want to apply for many scholarships and grants. You want the numbers working in your favor.
List Of Weird Scholarships
Some of the weird college scholarships which students can apply for require essays or proof of eligibility according to their own individual set of criteria. Finding at least one or two of these easy scholarships to apply for should be possible.
• The Van Valkenburg Memorial Scholarship provides scholarships for anyone who is an adopted or birth descendant of Annetje and Lambert Van Valkenburg who came to America in 1644.
• Students applying for weird scholarships will really love potatoes if they qualify for the National Potato Council scholarship which grants $5000 to students working in the potato industry.
• The Frederick and Mary F. Beckley Scholarship rewards students who are left-handed, have a good GPA and are attending Juniate College in Pennsylvania among other qualifications.
• A duck calling contest provides another weird scholarship with several thousand dollars being awarded to first through fourth places. The Chick and Sophie Major Duck Calling Contest is one of the fun and weird college scholarships.
• The John Gatling Scholarship is available to students with the last name Gatlin or Gatling who attend North Carolina State University.
• The OP Loftbed Scholarship has unique requirements for application such as planned tweets as well as more traditional requirements as well.
• If your last name is Zolp you might qualify for the Zolp Scholarship if you are also Catholic and attend Loyola.
Some of the weird scholarships 2011 will require students to apply soon although some have later application dates. Traditional ones are the same, although some programs also have split dates for different semesters.
Whether you are extremely tall, love Star Trek, or want to learn about vacuum cleaners there are weird college scholarships which are available. Last names, parents or grandparents who have attended a particular college, weird scholarships based on reading of particular books and golf lovers are a few additional terms for searching. While some of these weird scholarships may seem too restrictive in nature, for instance the ones requiring a particular last name, there are many others for which a student may easily qualify. This is free money that will not have to be repaid and the donors have been able to choose the criteria for acceptance. As with any scholarship application, put your best foot forward when applying and be professional both with correspondence and live or telephone interviews. You only have one opportunity to make a good first impression.
Online searches using these terms as well as searching through the government database for student aid, grants and scholarships of all types is a great starting point when seeking weird scholarships.