6 Search results

For the term "Unclaimed Scholarships".

Unclaimed Scholarships That You Need To Know

If you are like the normal college student then you are probably searching for any type of unclaimed scholarship that you can get your hands on. Luckily, there are quite a few unclaimed scholarships out there to choose from but the real test is knowing exactly which unclaimed scholarships you should apply for. The last thing you want is to apply for a scholarship only to find out that it was some kind of scam (and yes, this has happened to people before). So, we will be laying out a plan for you to obtain an unclaimed scholarship that you...

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Obscure Scholarships Often Left Unclaimed

If you are familiar with our site then you are probably are aware that one area that we specialize in is weird scholarships. So, it shouldn’t come as any shock to you that we are authoring a page on some of the most obscure scholarships out there. If you visit some of our more popular weird scholarship pages on this site then you have seen that we have come up with some very strange scholarships. There was the stuck at prom scholarship where you had to make a prom dress out of nothing but Duck Tape. There was also a...

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Discovering the Most Suitable Scholarships to Apply For

What are the best scholarships to apply for? This can be a tricky question as the best scholarship really depends on your situation. Allow us to explain. Each individual student has different colleges that they want to attend and different needs for financial aid. Some students have a financially sound family and don’t even think twice about applying for scholarships. Meanwhile, you have students at the opposite end of the spectrum with no help paying for college and looking for any type of scholarship they can get their hands on. So, to answer your question, the best scholarship for you...

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Exploring Religious Scholarships: Where to Find Financial Support

 Most people are under the impression that they have no chance of winning a scholarship. They believe they must do something unusual to get the scholarship. While we will admit that some scholarships are very tough, to get to think that you have absolutely no shot of winning scholarship money is ridiculous. There are plenty of unclaimed scholarships to which you can apply. One of these types of scholarships is religious scholarships. You are very likely to have attended some church event in your life. Churches are constantly sponsoring things like dinners, parties and concerts. However, the one thing that...

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Wacky Scholarships That You Find Easly

If you are having trouble affording college and you are having to turn to scholarships then this particular page might be of interest to you. Most people  end up going through the motions when it comes to scholarships. They have their certain list of select scholarships that they apply for and they leave it at that. When the time comes for the scholarship winner to be picked and its not them they just shrug their shoulders and keep soldiering on. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that they have a hidden opportunity when it comes to wacky scholarships. Wacky College Scholarships...

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What Makes A Scholarship Hard To Find?

Oftentimes it is the scholarships that give us the most trouble that have the greatest reward. Today we are going to be looking at scholarships that are notoriously hard to find. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are hard to apply for they are just hard to locate. Besides, you can use this to your advantage as most people won’t look for scholarships that are this hard to find. Luckily, we have done all the research and found the hardest scholarships to locate and compiled them in a list here. However, before we start getting into that lets take a...

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