As you have probably realized, there are a lot of different types of scholarships. We have found information on easy scholarships, fun scholarships, goofy scholarships, heck we have even found information on scholarships for illegal immigrants. All of these scholarships typically have something in common. They take a certain amount of time to apply for. What if we were to tell you that there are scholarships out there that require absolutely little to no time. Do you think you would apply for a scholarship like that? Well, that is an answer we hope to answer for you.
What Is A Fast College Scholarship?
Throughout our time online we have met a number of pretty incredible individuals. However, perhaps the most intriguing one, that relates to this page, was a student who would only specifically apply for what he would call fast scholarships. He would take his time online and find these quick scholarships where all you really had to do was fill out a simple application form to apply. He literally found close to 50 of these types of scholarships and he would mass apply for them each and every week.
While we definitely don’t recommend this approach we did think that it was quite intelligent of him to put his time into finding more and more scholarships he could apply for. In order to get the best results we recommend a bit of a blended approach. Find these easy, fast scholarships that you can quickly apply for and also find a number of legitimate lengthy scholarships. The real key we want to stress here is to not give up. One single fact that will probably make you feel better is that every student that we have met that actually wanted to get money for college has been able to do so with persistence.
List Of Fast Scholarships
Since this is really a post on fast scholarships we are going to provide you with some of our favorites. It is important to use a blended strategy with these. What we mean by that is to not only apply for these really easy scholarships but to apply for some more challenging ones as well. Why? Simple, most fast and easy scholarships don’t pay too well and you need scholarships that can pay a large portion of your tuition.
- Online Degree Scholarships– Pretty basic “fast” scholarship.
- Scholarship Zone– A free scholarship offering we used to promote on this site. While we view it as a bit too spammy it is still classified as a fast scholarship and our goal is to help you find these fast scholarships on this page.