Single mothers have the weight of their own future and their children’s futures on their shoulders at all times. If you are a single mom, you may be looking for a way to advance your career so you can make more money to pay for your children’s expenses. An easy way to pursue career advancement is to go to college, but that costs a lot of money. Luckily, there are grants for single mothers that can help you pay for your tuition, fees, and other expenses while going to school. Here are some examples of popular grants for single moms, as well as a look at how you can go about obtaining one for your college education. Also, don’t ignore the great scholarship offerings at Scholarships For Moms.
How to Find Grants for Single Mothers
If you are currently enrolled in college, you can speak with a financial adviser for the school to find out what grants may be available for you. Oftentimes, members of the community will offer small grants to single mothers attending a school they were once a part of. These school-specific grants are not heavily advertised, so you have to speak to someone who knows what they are and how you can apply for them. On top of that, you can find web-based grants for single mothers that you can apply for right at home. In either case, you should be able to secure financial aid for your university education without a struggle.
Popular Grants for Single Mothers
There are numerous grants for single mothers out there nowadays, but most of them are not marketed well. Here are some of the most popular ones available:
• American Association of University Women Career Development Grants: The AAUW offers several career development grants set aside for women looking to take a positive step in their careers. These women can be enrolling in graduate or undergraduate programs, and grants range from $2,000 to $12,000.
• Federal Pell Grants: Federal Pell Grants are issued by the government, and they are available to any students enrolled in college. To receive a Pell Grant, you must fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Once the government assesses your expected family contribution (based on your income), it will calculate how much money you can get each year in Pell Grant funding. The application process is simple, and these grants for single mothers are practically guaranteed if you are enrolled in college.