If you are like most college students then you are probably looking for ways that you can afford your tuition. For many this means that they have to fill out a FAFSA form or find a free scholarship like Scholarship Zone. However, one option that isn’t talked about very often is applying for quick scholarship. Here at Easy Scholarships we subscribe to the theory that the more scholarships you apply for the better your chances will be of actually winning one. You can really put this theory to test with quick scholarships. However, finding a scholarship that you can apply for in a quick manner can be tough to find. Luckily, we will be teaching you exactly how to find them today with this post.
Quick And Easy Scholarships
As a general rule of thumb, quick scholarships can also be classified as easy scholarships to apply for. Think about it, what kind of scholarship has an easier application process than a quick scholarship? Today we will be looking at a few of the top quick scholarships out there that you can apply for. As stated above, we subscribe to the more is better theory on this site. So, we encourage you to form a list of as many quick scholarships as possible so you can mass submit your application all over the place and raise your chances of bringing home the gold.
Defining A Quick Easy Scholarship
Typically, a quick scholarship has a one page application form. It won’t require you to fill out a ten page application and you won’t be required to fill out an essay. So as you can see, quick scholarships really are an extension of easy scholarships. Of course, you came here to find quick scholarships so it is probably time to get to that. Below you will find a list of the most popular quick scholarships that we have stumbled across in our quest to expand our scholarship knowledge. Some of the scholarships below may not be for everyone but one thing we want to emphasize is that everyone should apply for as many quick scholarships as they can. It really makes a difference.
- Online Scholarship Entry Form- A very basic quick scholarship. Very similar to the free scholarships we have listed throughout this site except it only pays out $2,000 to the winner. Which in hindsight isn’t too bad for spending a few minutes to fill out a form.
- Weekly Three Sentence Scholarship- This is a $1,000 scholarship that is given out on a weekly basis. We included it here because the application is very quick and easy. You just have to write a “three sentence essay” to have a chance to win the prize.