For some women over the age of 50 they have settled down. They are married, they have kids and a career. That is absolutely fantastic for them. However, there is also a large portion of women who are divorced and left as single parents with no career and no hope for the future. We know that you somehow stumbled across this article because you are interested in going back to school but you don’t know how. Well, today we are going to look at actual stories of women who are your age who got it together and now have a successful career and a stable household.
Being 50, left single with a child and no hope for a career can be a devastating feeling for some. However, we prefer to tell you that you are at a crossroads. You have two choices and there is a right and a wrong choice. We are not in the business of sugarcoating things. No, we are in the business of helping people and sometimes people need to hear the truth. You have two ways in which you can handle the situation. You can feel sorry for yourself and just choose to scrape by like you have for the past five years or you can choose to stand up and make a difference. Personally, we like the second choice. We want you to feel empowered and important and we feel we can help you achieve that feeling.
Over 50 Years Old
For many women over 50 the path to empowerment starts with education. This means that you will have to go back to college if you don’t have a degree or maybe go back to get a higher level degree. There is no doubt that college requires a certain amount of dedication, time and money. However, in the end you will not regret it. We find that most women returning to college have the dedication and the time but they fall short on the money part.
Today, college costs much more than it did ten years ago and as a result many people are having to turn to things like student loans, scholarships and grants to pay for their semester tuition. While we don’t recommend going after a student loan unless you have absolutely no choice we do recommend that you sign up for financial aid since it really can help. We don’t want you to think that you will get enough money from FAFSA to cover your college expenses. However, it can give you enough money to feel a little better about your situation. In order to really cut that tuition down you are going to have to start applying for scholarships.
The good thing about applying for scholarships is the fact that there are so many to apply for that you have so many different choices. A lot of people view applying for scholarships as a long an boring process. However, we actually take the opposite viewpoint. It can be fun as long as you make it fun. For example, you can apply for weird scholarships, easy scholarships or you can stick to older women scholarships like those given out at Janette Rankin Foundation. Whatever you choose, doing something in the present is essential. Your future isn’t something you should keep putting off.