It seems like every scholarship out there today requires you to write some pain-staking essay describing the reasons you deserve the money more than every other applicant. Don’t get us wrong, essays are a great way to toot your own horn when it comes collecting scholarship money. But not all scholarships require an essay and those that take only a couple minutes to complete should be among the first you apply for. Get ready to broaden you chances to win some money form the people that bring you the Free $10,000 Scholarship! With this being said, there are also unique scholarships available that allow you to show off your creativity, award you for embracing a unique talent or simply for being tall!
Unique College Scholarships
Here is our list of the most unique scholarships:
1. Stuck at Prom
Now this is one unique scholarship that will make you say, “What?!?!” Brought to you by the makers of duct tape, this scholarship requires applicants to make their prom outfits out of and accessorize them with duct tape! Seems silly, doesn’t it? Well, the one thing that is not silly about this scholarship contest is the prize pool! First place will score you $5,000! You can visit the StuckatProm.com website for more details!
2. Calling all Duck Callers
Every year the Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest is held in Arkansas and open to all high school seniors. Seniors come from around the country to test their duck calling skills against one another. This unique scholarship awards over $2000 to its winners. Who ever knew duck calling could be such a profitable talent?
3. Get Paid for Being Tall
Have you dealt with having to duck through every doorway and bend down to hug that special boy or girl throughout your whole high school career? If so, it’s time to collect some money for all that hard work. The Tall Club International (TCI) gives away thousands of dollars each year to high school seniors that are taller than the average Joe!
To qualify for this unique scholarship, male applicants must be 6’2’’ or taller and females must be 5’10’’ or taller. If you meet these requirements, all you have to do to win your share of the money is write a short essay on what it means to be tall. Maybe being overly tall won’t be so bad after you get paid for it! Tall Scholarship
Well, these are the three easy scholarships that make our list of the most unique scholarships out there today! Keep in mind these particular scholarships are open to high school seniors located throughout the country. Take a look around your local community to see if there are unique scholarships only available to students in your area.