As a leading authority in the scholarship industry we owe it to our visitors to find any type of scholarship that they may or may not be interested in. It has recently come to our attention that people are searching online for scholarships based on their hair color, in particular people with brown hair. Now, at first it seemed absurd to us that anyone would give away a scholarship based on having brown hair. However, after doing some actual research on the topic we learned a lot and we think you will be interested in what we found.

Scholarships For Brown Hair – Do They Exist?
As stated above, it seemed absolutely absurd to us that you could receive a scholarship based on your brown hair. Most scholarships are based on your academic achievement, volunteer work and service to the community. Of course, every once in a while you will stumble across some weird scholarships but even those scholarships make sense on some level. As a site that specializes in searching for easy scholarships and weird scholarships a scholarship for your brown hair color definitely falls into the easy and weird categories.
So, were we able to find the elusive brown haired scholarship?
In short, no we were not able to locate any scholarship for brunette haired people. Most of the sites claiming that they have found a brown haired scholarship are all talk. Now, we don’t want you to get discouraged because we weren’t able to find a brown haired scholarship. It certainly isn’t the end of the world and we do have a bit of good news for you, brown hair scholarships aren’t the only type out there.
If you look around the internet you will literally be able to find thousands of scholarships that can be used to better your situation. We find that most of the people who are searching for the brown haired scholarships are either trying to have some fun or are just plain ole out of ideas.
If you are out of ideas then we want to recommend that you look at our site. We have a blog where we give out tips on how to do things like get scholarships, succeed in college and even some fun things like how to do laundry in college. Of course, if you are interested in easy scholarships we suggest that you visit this page where we have labeled all the scholarships we have on this site that we consider easy.