It is always tough when you wait till the last minute to apply for scholarships. Not only are you at a disadvantage because a lot of the scholarships you could have been eligible for have been applied for already but you have no clue on what you should be doing or where you should be looking to get a last minute scholarship. This is where we come into the picture. In general, people only view us as a website that is focused on finding easy scholarships to apply for and nothing else. Well, while we are a site that does focus on easy scholarships to apply for we also have compiled one of the largest databases of scholarships on the web. Needless to say, we know a thing or two about helping students get a scholarship at the last minute.

Last Minute Scholarships
Really what you are looking for when it comes to a last minute scholarship is something that you can apply for really easily without too much trouble. Chances are, if you waited till the last minute you don’t have the time to properly compose an essay for a scholarship or even put together an acceptable scholarship application that allows you to stand out from the crowd. All of these things take time and if you are really waiting until the last minute to apply then you are going to need a quick fix.
Well, we think we have what the doctor ordered. In general, we would provide you with more information on last minute scholarships. However, all of that is pointless because the only thing that matters is giving you a quick list in which you can apply for scholarships relatively fast. You will be able to find that list below.
- FastWeb– Normally, we focus just on scholarships but this site was too important not to mention. By signing up you gain access to even more quick scholarships and their deadlines. It is just too good of a scholarship site not to mention.
- Big Dig Scholarships– We are going to break tradition a little bit here. This one does require an essay. However, the essay really isn’t that long and it can be quickly applied for and gives you the chance to win $3,000.
- College Is Power– Are you above the age of 17? Do you need to do a quick application? Well, the College Is Power scholarships is exactly what you need. All you have to do is write a 150 word essay and you can win $1,500.