It is pretty cool to get accepted into college. Throughout high school all your teachers were ever talking about was “what it was going to be like in college.” They might have told you that your college professors won’t slow down, they won’t care about your grade and that you need to be held responsible for your grades. Well, if you are like most high school students then your interest was piqued the second your teachers began drilling the college speeches in your head. You just had to find out what this place was like. Unfortunately, your teachers fail to talk about one crucial thing about college, it’s very expensive.
Easy Grant Money For College
In our opinion, a lot of high schools fail to educate their kids on the things that really matter about college, how to afford it. Instead, they only focus on how to do well in college classes. While there is nothing wrong with teaching young students how to succeed in college we do tend to take offense to the lack of information they give out on how to afford college. Most students are smart enough to figure it out on their own. However, there are always a number of students who fall through the cracks. If you feel like you are one of these students then pay attention because we are about to give you a crash course on how you can improve your financial situation.
Financial Aid, Scholarships, Grants Or Student Loans?
The answer to the title of the section is to do whatever you can to afford school. However, we want to steer you away from student loans because getting one can land you in debt well after your college schooling is over. Only when you have no other choice should you get a student loan.
Financial aid can be found through FAFSA. It is government regulated and can truly help you out but don’t expect it to pay for your entire tuition. Although, we have met some students who go to junior college who say that FAFSA has payed all their tuition, books and supplies with a little extra for them to spend. The bottom line is to sign up for FAFSA immediately if you haven’t done so already.
This leads us to our next section, scholarships and grants. The key thing that we want to stress here is to apply for as many scholarships and grants as you can. Remember, we are limited to this one page. However, if you look throughout our site you will be able to find hundreds of scholarships that you can apply for. The key is to just keep looking for scholarships that interest you that you think are worth applying for. When it comes to grants that are easy there aren’t that many if we were to be honest. However, we can give you information on the ones that we like below:
Pell Grant- Once you sign up for FAFSA this is one of the grants that you can receive. It has been in existence since 1972 and was created to provide grant money to those who are in a low income situation.
Academic Competitiveness Grant– grants up to $750 the students first year of study and over $1,300 on the students second year. There are a number of requirements you have to meet to be eligible for this grant. You can see those requirements by clicking on the link we provided.