If you are familiar with our site then you are probably are aware that one area that we specialize in is weird scholarships. So, it shouldn’t come as any shock to you that we are authoring a page on some of the most obscure scholarships out there. If you visit some of our more popular weird scholarship pages on this site then you have seen that we have come up with some very strange scholarships. There was the stuck at prom scholarship where you had to make a prom dress out of nothing but Duck Tape. There was also a nudist scholarship for those interested in studying a nudist colony. With this page we are simply adding on to the weird pile.
Obscure College Scholarships
As stated above, we have encountered some very obscure scholarships in our time. However, perhaps this page will contain the the weirdest of the weird scholarships. Rather than bore you with a constant build up lets just dive right in and get started.
- The American Sheep And Wool Scholarship– For students who make creative products with wool. Top prize garners a $1,500 scholarship.
- Scholarship Zone- For students who do absolutely nothing, literally. Sign up for the $10,000 scholarship and see if you won, that is it!
- National Anthem Scholarship– For students who take our national anthem very seriously.
- Start Trek Scholarship– For students who can speak Klingon (A Star Trek language). Win up to $500.
- Scholarships For Working Adults- For students who a working and going to school at the same time.
- Candy Scholarships– For students who have a distinct taste for candy. First place awards $5,000 while runners up get $2,5000.
- Potato Scholarships– For students interested in agribusiness. Win up to $5,000 for your education.
- Fat Acceptance Scholarship– For students who specialize in fashion or design for overweight people. Win up to $1,000.
If you are interested in learning more about all the weird and wacky scholarships we have throughout this site we recommend you to take a look around. Visit some of the related posts you see below. You will notice that we provide in-depth information that can actually help you find what you are looking for. Good luck!