36 Search results

For the term "weird".

Weird Scholarships For Girls

We live in some very strange times. It used to be that in order to get a college scholarship you had to work hard and you had have excellent grade. It was either that or you could get a scholarship by having a remarkable athletic talent. However, in the age of the internet we have become aware of a number of different scholarships that we didn’t know existed until now. Not only have a cadre of free scholarships popped up but a number of equally interesting weird scholarship have as well. In fact, if you dig a little deeper into...

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Weird Scholarships That Make You Surprise

Weird scholarships which are available to help cover the cost of college tuition, living expenses and text books have been designed by individuals and corporations to address criteria they choose. These specialized awards are well worth looking into for anyone planning to attend college and may be found both online and through financial aid offices. Weird scholarships are offered in many forms and dollar amounts and some of the best are those that pay winning students up to $10,000 and where you need not complete those long and time consuming essays.  Be sure to take a good look around our website as we try to bring...

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Weird Grants And Scholarship That Surprise You

You may be wondering, “what is the difference between a weird grant and a weird scholarship.” Well, we will be honest with you and tell you that there isn’t too much difference between the two. Really, weird grants is just another way to refer to weird scholarships. Now, we have already created a page on weird scholarships. So, why would we want to create a page that essentially talks about the same thing? As stated above, weird grants and weird scholarships are used interchangeably to describe each other. So, it only make sense for us to include a page on weird...

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Exploring Different Types of Scholarships: A Comprehensive Guide

The time has finally come to decide which school you want to attend for college. Everything is going great until you realize one thing. You may need to find out if you can afford the tuition of your chosen school. Either your parents need more to help you if you are coming out of high school, or you can’t cover the college tuition by yourself if you return to school. College is getting more and more expensive. However, with some determination and the right strategy, you can come up with a scholarship to help you afford college. If you are...

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Unlocking Scholarship Opportunities: Where to Find Scholarships

We taught you our strategy for looking for scholarships in a month ago blog post. However, we have yet to get into where to look for scholarships. If you were paying attention to our “how to look for Scholarships” blog post, you may have noticed we talked a little about where to look. However, we never really went into too much detail. In this blog post, we will go into great detail and give you our list of top sites to visit if you want to look for a scholarship. There is a lot to consider when you are looking...

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Essential College Scholarship Requirements: What You Need to Qualify

So often, you look around the internet and read these posts about how you can improve your scholarship application. Even we are guilty of doing some of that in our blog. However, there is a student out there who doesn’t know how the scholarship application process works. They are complete noobies and need help. We will tell you that they will be hard-pressed to find a blog post that teaches them how the scholarship process works until now. After listening to a few of our visitors who needed clarification about what scholarships look for and what is required to win...

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Scholarships for Older Students: Fulfilling Your Academic Dreams

Now is as good a time to return to school and obtain your degree if you haven’t already, which is something we are seeing with older students. However, older college students tend to need a little help when it comes to tuition. College is a significant investment, but you will be happy to know it is worth it because it can open new opportunities for you. Luckily, we specialize in helping our visitors find a scholarship that fits their needs. Today we will be focusing on scholarships for older students. Scholarships For Older Students Returning To College Returning to college...

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How To Apply For Black Hair Scholarship

We have recently written posts for people with blonde hair and people with red hair. Admittedly, we were shocked that a scholarship could be given for something as trivial as having red hair or blonde hair. However, we did come to realize that weird scholarships such as these are great opportunities for our visitors looking for easy scholarships. After all, what type of scholarship is easier than one given due to your hair color? We have been looking all around the internet for all the hair colors hoping to find another scholarship that we can add to our database and we are proud...

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Most Outrageous College Scholarships You Never Knew Existed

College scholarships are in very high demand. As a result, people are willing to try some outrageous things in order to get that extra money for their tuition. Outrageous is defined as shockingly bad or wildly exaggerated. We do want to clear one thing up before we start listing all your outrageous options. When we talk about outrageous scholarships we are not talking about bad scholarships or exaggerated scholarships. Instead, we are talking more about some ridiculous sounding ones or some very strange ones. The very fact that there is a scholarship for this ridiculous reason is outrageous. Of course,...

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The Ultimate Guide to Finding Redhead Scholarships

You will find that a lot of students graduating from high school are on the search for scholarships. College is expensive and can prove to be challenging to pay for if you don’t have a financial plan going in. Unfortunately, even with smart financial planning more and more people are failing to pay off the their tuition. As a result, the begin scraping the bottom of the barrel (so to speak) looking for any type of scholarship they can get their hands on. This usually leads them down the path of looking for weird scholarships. We recently spoke with a...

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