20 Search results

For the term "women".

Scholarships For Black Women – African American Resources

African American women often get the short end of the stick in our society. However, fortunately the same can’t be said about the scholarship industry. There are multiple scholarships for black women out there that have yet to be applied for. Our job is to find those scholarships and get you the information so you can have a better chance of winning one. One of the most important things to realize if you are a black woman is that you have a legitimate shot at winning a scholarship. This is due to the fact that African Americans are now the...

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Scholarships For Women Over 50

For some women over the age of 50 they have settled down. They are married, they have kids and a career. That is absolutely fantastic for them. However, there is also a large portion of women who are divorced and left as single parents with no career and no hope for the future. We know that you somehow stumbled across this article because you are interested in going back to school but you don’t know how. Well, today we are going to look at actual stories of women who are your age who got it together and now have a...

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Scholarships For Women Over 40

Scholarships for women over 40 who wish to either return to school or perhaps attend for the first time are available nationwide. For many women in this age bracket, college was not considered as important to finding a career when they graduated high school. Many women married and went on to raise families or went to college for one or two years before doing so. With the fiercely competitive job market scholarships for women over 40 makes it possible for them to return to college and be trained for a job where they are able to make a living for themselves....

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Scholarships For Women Over 30

It is always hard being a woman trying to go back to college. You have a lot of responsibilities to juggle. For example, if you have children you have to care for them. If you have a job, especially in this economy, you have to worry about keeping it since you will be cutting back on hours to go to school. Think of college as an investment for the future. It may seem tough to juggle all these responsibilities at first but with time it will all pay off. Chances are, that you aren’t making as much money now as...

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Scholarships For Hispanic Women

Are you a Latina aiming for a college education? If so, you might be surprised by how many scholarships are out there specifically for you.   Particularly those that are known as free college scholarships.  These kinds of offerings are pretty attractive options for college students because the organization who hands then out does not ask you to write an essay.  Best of all, it takes only a couple of minutes to get the ball rolling and your name in the scholarship drawing.  To learn more check out Scholarship Zone as its a place more students are discovering. While Hispanics are less of a minority now than they used...

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Supporting Male Nurses: Scholarships Tailored for Men Pursuing Nursing

Looking around, you will notice that almost every profession is dominated by males. However, one job that you can only say about is nursing. Without a doubt, nursing is dominated by women. Now, most people think men cannot win a scholarship in the field. However, people who say that is entirely wrong. You can use your underrepresentation to your advantage to locate a scholarship. Today, we will use this page to provide information about the top scholarships you can obtain in the nursing field if you are a male. Male Nursing Scholarships Out of all the scholarships we cover, we...

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Navigating Men’s Scholarships: Opportunities Tailored for Male Students

Believe it or not but women do most scholarship searches online. Although the vast majority of scholarships are gender-neutral, meaning that men and women can apply for them, most searches are done for scholarships for women. Once we learned this statistic, we created a page for men to go to to gain the assistance they need for college. Look at this page as the ultimate resource for men searching for scholarships. Now, we realize that you are probably scoffing at the idea of this page being a resource, but we assure you we are professionals at what we do. We...

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Exploring Independent Scholarships: Funding Your Education Your Way

One of the most incredible things about this site is that we can talk about literally any type of scholarship we want. However, one thing that we notice when looking around the web is the amount of sites talking about low quality scholarships. If you aren’t aware of what a low quality scholarship is then allow us to educate you. A low quality scholarship is a type of scholarship that usually is very easy to apply for. However, one thing you have to realize about easy scholarships is the fact that there has to be a certain balance between how...

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Exploring Foundation Scholarships and Programs

Foundations love handing out scholarships to students. You should take advantage of this fact if you are coming out of high school and plan on attending college. The great thing about foundation programs is that they are specific to a group. For example, some foundations only look to help women, just like those that only support minorities. The strategy when looking for foundation scholarships is pretty simple. Find exactly which scholarship best pertains to your situation and look for some scholarships you can apply for. The Many Different Foundation Scholarships What follows is a list of the most recognized foundation...

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How to Apply for Scholarships for Blonde Hair: Step-by-Step Guide

Believe it or not, each and every year we have gotten requests from our visitors about scholarships for students who have blonde hair. There seems to be a perception surrounding these students like they are too dumb to get scholarships because they are blondes and this is simply not true. In fact, blondes can be extremely smart they just have to apply themselves. Unfortunately, we have had trouble finding a scholarship that is given out just on the basis of hair color. We did end up finding one that we considered adding to our free online database but we decided...

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