36 Search results

For the term "Weird Scholarships".

How to Find Legitimate Scholarships: A Guide for Blue-Eyed Students

It is a question that countless people have come to this site hoping to have answered, are there any scholarships based on your eye color. Well, we are here to tell you that we have some good news and we have some bad news. We will start with the bad news. We will start with the bad news first so we can get it out of the way. Currently, there are no scholarships that are based on the color of your eyes. However, there are countless scholarships that are awarded based on unusual qualities or interests. So, while you may...

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The Ultimate Guide to Scholarships for Tall Girls: Tips and Resources

It is no secret that we have found some weird scholarships for women in our time. However, perhaps no scholarship is weirder than this one. Recently, we created an article that covers the most popular scholarships for short girls. Well, today we are going to be doing the exact opposite as we will be focusing on tall girl scholarships. Being tall certainly has it’s advantages. If you happen to be a woman that is considered tall by our societies standards then you are in luck because you are eligible for a special scholarship specifically designed for women who are tall....

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The Top Most Stupid Scholarships You Never Knew Existed

While we do want to go on the record and say that no scholarship is stupid as long as it is giving money to students there are some very dumb sounding ones out there. We would classify a scholarship in the dumb or stupid category if it is a scholarship that requires absolutely no talent or it is just the most ridiculous type of scholarship you have ever heard of. However, as we keep urging on our other articles covering weird scholarships we do believe you can get money from these types of scholarships so long as you take them...

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The Bizarre Scholarships That Could Land You Money for College

When you have been in this realm as long as we have you are bound to run into some bizarre things. Throughout this site you can find information on weird scholarships, unique scholarships or even odd scholarships. However, one type of scholarship we really haven’t gone into all that much is bizarre scholarships. The dictionary defines “bizarre” as anything out of the ordinary or anything extravagant or odd. We imagine the typical reaction to a bizarre scholarship would be ” Look at that scholarship, how bizarre…” However, probably the most ironic thing in the scholarship realm is that everyone is...

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The Ultimate Guide to Finding Unknown Scholarships

There is nothing better than stumbling across an unknown set of scholarships. People out there are searching every day for the top scholarships and sending hundreds and thousands of applications. So, when you can luckily stumble across a scholarship that is relatively unknown it is essentially compared to finding gold. The holy grail when it comes to scholarships is finding an uncompetitive and easy scholarship that won’t take you long to apply for. Unfortunately, these types of scholarships rarely exist and if they do they are never heard of. This page is all about finding the scholarships that have no...

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Scholarships for Tall Students You Should Know About

We bet you didn’t know that there are scholarships out there that actually award you on the basis of height. This might seem normal if you encounter the scholarship handed out by the little people of America. However, it seems completely weird that the scholarship powers that be would create a scholarship for tall people. However, if you do happen to be tall then we will be the first people to congratulate you because you qualify for a select number of scholarships that millions of others don’t. Scholarships For Being Tall Typically, there is one particular group that is most...

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Obscure Scholarships Often Left Unclaimed

If you are familiar with our site then you are probably are aware that one area that we specialize in is weird scholarships. So, it shouldn’t come as any shock to you that we are authoring a page on some of the most obscure scholarships out there. If you visit some of our more popular weird scholarship pages on this site then you have seen that we have come up with some very strange scholarships. There was the stuck at prom scholarship where you had to make a prom dress out of nothing but Duck Tape. There was also a...

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Funny Scholarships To Apply For 2023

As an authority on the subject of scholarships we have seen a number of things. We have seen easy scholarships, women related scholarships, online scholarships and weird scholarships. However, there is one specific type of scholarship we haven’t discussed yet, funny scholarships. A funny scholarship is exactly as it sounds. It is a scholarship that is so ridiculous or creative that it just makes you laugh to yourself. However, perhaps the funniest thing about these scholarships is that each and every one is legitimate. Meaning that if you apply and you are serious about it you can win money. Funny...

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Wacky Scholarships That You Find Easly

If you are having trouble affording college and you are having to turn to scholarships then this particular page might be of interest to you. Most people  end up going through the motions when it comes to scholarships. They have their certain list of select scholarships that they apply for and they leave it at that. When the time comes for the scholarship winner to be picked and its not them they just shrug their shoulders and keep soldiering on. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that they have a hidden opportunity when it comes to wacky scholarships. Wacky College Scholarships...

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Unusual Scholarships To Apply For 2023

There are a number of interesting scholarships out there to apply for that you haven’t probably heard of before. Typically, if a scholarship hasn’t been heard of before then that means that it is a weird scholarship. Unusual scholarships get a bad rep most of the time just because they sound funny or require you to do something out of the ordinary to apply for them. However, just because they sound funny or make you do something unusual doesn’t mean they aren’t legitimate scholarships. Trust us, in this scholarship game you need as much help as you can get and...

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